Dear colleagues, partners, and friends,
It is with deep emotion that we announce the upcoming permanent closure of our agency, FÔVE diffusion.
This heart-breaking, yet necessary decision stems from the increasingly precarious state of our sector. First and foremost, we face the ongoing challenges of securing recurring and predictable public funding to support our regular activities as an agency. This is further evidence of the persistent difficulty in recognizing our expertise and our impact on the circulation of the performing arts. This, of course, is compounded by the significant decline in touring opportunities both locally and internationally over the last few years, for the creators we support.
However, we sincerely thank the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, whose transient support over the past two years enabled us to hire, train, and retain an additional agent. While this exceptional measure allowed us to prolong and expand our activities during this period, the economic model of our agency is no longer sustainable or viable.
Since 2014, FÔVE has had the privilege of working with extraordinary artists and contributing to the growth and renown of contemporary dance from Quebec and Canada, both nationally and internationally. We wish to name and thank these artists for their trust: Marie Chouinard, Anne Plamondon, Virginie Brunelle, Mélanie Demers, Bill Coleman, Caroline Laurin-Beaucage, Sébastien Provencher, Amélie Rajotte, Sarah Bronsard, Aurélie Pedron, Clara Furey, Alan Lake, Harold Rhéaume, les Sœurs Schmutt, Sylvain Lafortune and Esther Rousseau-Morin, Alix Dufresne… Collaborating with, and above all, contributing to the dissemination of their work, has been an invaluable professional and personal experience. We also tip our hats to Stéphanie Hinton, who founded, developed, and carried this organization forward until 2019, establishing it as one of the most active dance agencies in the country.
Our team will attend the RIDEAU event in Quebec City from February 16 to 20, 2025. This will be our final professional conference and one of the last opportunities to discuss the amazing projects carried out by the companies and artists we represent. We invite our presenting partners to meet with us on this occasion to ensure a smooth transition and facilitate direct connections with the artists. Following this event, FÔVE will follow through and fulfill all signed commitments but will cease development efforts as of April 1, 2025.
We wish to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who supported our mission and shared this journey with us, particularly the members of our board of directors, as well as Bernard Lagacé and Diagramme, and of course the entire team at Lorganisme, especially Caroline Laurin-Beaucage and Sylvie Lavoie. Without their trust and generosity, we would not have achieved the successes of recent years.
We remain deeply convinced of the strength and resilience of our artistic community. May this closure mark the beginning of an essential dialogue to find sustainable and collective solutions for our ecosystem. In that spirit, we encourage you to amplify the campaign led by the Regroupement québécois de la danse, Dancing Against Austerity, and to support the Front commun pour les arts in their continued advocacy for change towards our governments. We also invite you to support AASPAA Canada, which represents performing arts agencies across the country.
With our deepest respect, gratitude, and solidarity,
The FÔVE diffusion team
Nicolas Filion & Olivier Parent