L'Écho des racines // La Sporée / Sarah Bronsard

Year of creation: 2024
Duration : 75 minutes
4 dancers, 4 musicians
L'écho des racines is a choreographic work in progress, born following the invitation of Lük Fleury, artistic director of BIGICO (a dance programmer specialized in contemporary step dancing), who offered Sarah Bronsard carte blanche to develop a creation bringing together two percussive dances that she practices: flamenco and Quebecois step dancing. In many ways, these two dance traditions have opposite dynamics; the relationship to gravity, the bounce, the tone, the engagement of the whole body and the emotional charge linked to each dance differ greatly. It is in the open space between all these oppositions, in the spectrum of nuances that unfold, that this choreographic work develops in co-creation with the dancers and musicians.
L'écho des racines is as much about metaphorical roots (traditions, their transmission and the know-how associated with each of them) as it is about the concrete roots of trees that allow growth and anchoring. These roots are a powerful means of communication and mutual aid between trees that can extend for miles, just as the underground connection between dance traditions. The communication between roots is made possible by mycorrhiza, the symbiotic association between fungi and plant roots. For Sarah Bronsard, a passionate amateur mycologist, the poetic universe of L'écho des racines is also nourished by a reflection on the importance of the kingdom of sponges, most of the time invisible but nevertheless of an unsuspected influence on our lives. This perspective allows us to look at dance traditions from another angle, exploring what connects them in a subterranean way and questioning what delimits them in time and space.
Artistic direction, choreography and peformance - Sarah Bronsard | Cocreative dansers - Olivier Arseneault, Yaëlle Azoulay, Aurélie Brunelle, Antoine Turmine, Rocio Vadilo | Cocreative musicians - Alexis Chartrand, Thierry Clouette, Cédric Dind-Lavoie, Miguel Medina, Caroline Planté, Alexandra Templier, Benjamin Tremblay Carpentier | Artistic advisor - Sophie Michaud
Support - Conseil des Arts du Canada, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, BIGICO, Département de danse de l'UQAM, Festival Mémoire et Racines, Ville de Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Centre d'art Diane-Dufresne Diffusion Hector-Charland, Maison de la culture du Plateau Mont-Royal
Résidencies - Maison de la culture du Plateau Mont-Royal, Carrefour culturel de Notre-Dame-Des-Prairies in collaboration with Festival Mémoire et Racines, Centre d’art Diane-Dufresne in collaboration with Diffusion Hector-Charland
Photos: Vitor Munhoz