Cabaret Noir // MAYDAY / Mélanie Demers

Year of creation: 2022
Duration: 75 min
6 performers
From Othello’s kiss to monologues from Spike Lee films, the performers in Cabaret Noir have fun tinkering with reconstructions of emblematic scenes from theatre, cinema and television, touching on the dualistic representations of racism in the popular imagination.
Creative concept, direction and choreography - Mélanie Demers in collaboration with performers | Performers at premier - Vlad Alexis, Florence Blain Mbaye, Paul Chambers, Mélanie Demers, Stacey Désilier, Anglesh Major | Additionnal performers - Clauter Alexandre, Fabrice Yvanoff Sénat | Dramaturg - Angélique Willkie | Rehearsal director - Anne-Marie Jourdenais | Orignial music - Anglesh Major, Florence Blain Mbaye | Musical editing - Anglesh Major | Lighting design - Paul Chambers | Costumes and props - Sophie El Assaad | Technical director - Samuel Thériault | Assistant technical director and stage manager - Radwan Ghazi Moumneh | Direction de production - Dominique Sarrazin | Performances are staged along side with live DJ Sets by Mélanie Demers
Carmen Jolin, Francine Bernier, Mani Soleymanlou, Mélanie Primeau, Timothy Rodrigues, and all our generous co-producers and collaborators. And thanks also to all the lineages of ancestors, artists, and activists from whom we have drawn inspiration.
Le Groupe de la Veillée | Montreal, Canada
Agora de la danse | Montreal, Canada
Théâtre français du CNA | Ottawa, Canada
MAYDAY benefited from a creative residency at Théâtre Prospero and Agora de la danse.
Cabaret Noir is supported by the Cole Foundation.
Photos: Kevin Calixte (1), Sophie El Assaad (2 and 4), Cloé Pluquet (3)